Becoming Established with San Diego Dental Personnel ServiceTemporary AssignmentsPermanent Referrals
Temporary assignments from San Diego Dental Personnel Service are an exciting way to experience different offices, build confidence and see what the local dental community has to offer. We are here to support you so that every assignment, regardless of its length is successful!
Tips for Temps
Create & Activate your Profile
Step 1: Phone SDDPS to schedule an orientation interview
Step 2: Take 5-10 minutes to complete the registration documents
Step 3: Meet via Zoom with your Personnel Coordinator to discuss salary and all your preferences
Step 4: Download the SDDPS Team App Apple Android
Step 5: Be ready for great referrals!
Download the SDDPS Team App
Already registered?
Download the SDDPS Team App Apple Android
Create a login and use the App to check in with your availability
Use the Get Paid button to keep track of your assignments and pay checks
Not yet registered?
Phone us @ 619-464-5655 to create & activate your profile, then download the SDDPS Team App
How Do I get Assignments?
Send a text to
619-301-1234 or submit an update in the App when you want to work. You can update daily, weekly, monthly or whenever you have a random day ~ even at the last minute. We are available to talk with you during business hours at
What Happens When I Accept an Assignment?Your Personnel Coordinator will send you an email with driving directions, exact location, and hours. Additional information such as parking instructions may be included. Open and review the email immediately when you receive it and phone us at
619-464-5655 if you have any questions.
How do I get Paid?The office pays you directly. They will need your completed W-4, licenses (including CPR), and ID to complete the
I-9. The office will issue you a W-2.
Am I an Independent Contractor?No, you are not an independent contractor. Proper taxes need to be withheld. The $600 rule only applies to properly classified independent contractors. To read more about this, visit the
IRS: Independent Contractor Defined.
The Office Calls Me Directly ~ What do I do?You must text us immediately @
619-301-1234 to report you are returning to an office. We will update your profile and send you an email confirming the position.
I Have an Emergency Preventing me from Arriving to my Assignment on TimeIf you will be delayed for any reason, text us at
619-301-1234 and let us know when you will arrive. This is considered an emergency. We will notify the office for you so you can arrive safely.
How do I get Hired Permanently from a Temporary Assignment?You and the employer can agree on any rate and benefit package. Your temporary rate does not have to be your permanent rate. Employers do not “Buy” you! They contract with us for referrals, and they contract with you for employment services!