Becoming Established with San Diego Dental Personnel ServiceTemporary AssignmentsPermanent Referrals
The open positions we hold are varied, diverse and always changing. When we call you with a permanent opportunity, we believe you possess the professional and personal attributes to qualify for the position. Before referring you, we will discuss the opportunity and allow you to decide if this is a position you would like to pursue. This step allows you to remain in control of your career and job search. We do not blast out your private and confidential information.
ResumeA current and professional resume needs to be on file at all times. If you require resume assistance, we will advise you on changes you can make to highlight and represent your skills and experience. Please phone us with your questions.
Occasionally, a candidate must confidentially look for a permanent position. We are respectful and sensitive to these situations.
When you interview or go on a working interview, we will follow up with both you and the employer. This is a time for honest and specific feedback, to evaluate if expectations are being met, communication is on target and if the match is a good fit.
When you are hired, we follow up with you and the employer for 3 months to be certain everything is progressing as expected. As always, we are available anytime to discuss questions you may have between regularly scheduled communications.
This has always been an effective way to try out different positions before settling into that dream job. With an uncertain economy, many employers regularly use temporary employees for extended periods of time.
Candidates are never charged a fee. San Diego Dental Personnel Service is an employer retained agency.